My Motions

Motions are a tabled documents which asks the ACT Government to commit to certain policies or decisions. As your Yerrabi Member of the Legisature, I have tabled many Motions regarding a variety of issues. From asking for support about local traffic decisions, to asking the ACT Government to improve Work, Health & Saftey laws, to supporting community events and awareness days.

Tenth Assembly: 2024

Nurse-Led Walk-In Centres

This motion called on the ACT Government to continue supporting the Nurse-Led Walk-In Centres which operate across Canberra. It is important to highlight that these centres care for anyone over the age of one. You do not need a Medicare card, and all services and treatments received are free.

You can read my full speech here: Nurse-Led Walk-in Centres Motion (

This motion passed the Assembly on the 11th of April 2024.

Menstruation and Menopause Support Motion 2024

This motion expanded on my original motion in 2022 & 2023. Calling on the ACT Government to continue working with people who menstruate, and commending the passing of my Period Products and Facilities (Access) Bill which ensures period products are provided free at accessible locations across the Territory.

You can read my full speech here: Menstruation and Menopause Support Motion 2024 (

Tenth Assembly: 2023

Casey Roads Motion

This motion called on the ACT Government to acknowledge the on-going concerns of Casey Residents about traffic movements in their town centre and undertake a traffic and transportation improvement study. 

You can find my Casey Roads survey here: Casey Roads Survey (

You can read my full speech here: Casey Traffic Management - Private Members Motion (

This motion passed the Assembly on the 24th of October 2023.

International Day for People of African Descent

This motion recognised and acknowledged the contributions of the African community and people of African descent in Canberra and noted the work and efforts of the African Australian Council ACT. 

The African Australian Council ACT has continuities to many community events, including Africa Day, Dera Night, Africa Festival in the Park, the Africa Youth Soccer Tournament and Drum and Dance Workshops.

You can read my full speech here: International Day for People of African Descent (

This motion passed the Assembly on the 31st of August 2023.

Menstruation & Menopause Support Motion 2023

This motion called on the Minister for Women to report to the Legislative Assembly on the supports the ACT Government provides to support people who are menstruating or experiencing menopause.

The motion also recognised through the ACT Women’s Plan, the ACT Government is committed to supporting and removing barriers to enable women and girls to reach their potential, contribute to innovation and ideas and to take up leadership positions ensuring full participation of women and girls in all aspects of society.

This motion passed the Assembly on the 21st of March 2023.

Tenth Assembly: 2022

Bees & Pollinators Support

This motion called upon the ACT Government to help protect bees and other pollinators, to ensure that our environment and eco-system continue to function and thrive.

It also asked the ACT Government to survey and understand the threats to bees and other pollinators, and outline what the ACT Government does to support bees currently.

Bees are fundamental to our lives, the environment and we all depend for our own survival.

This motion was presented on my behalf by Dr Paterson, MLA for Murrumbidgee.

Autoimmune Disorder Awareness Motion

This motion called upon the ACT Government to consider the potential options to raise awareness of autoimmune disorders within the ACT.

This is important as it is estimated that Autoimmune Disorders affect 5% of the Australian population. There are around 80 different Autoimmune Disorders and It can often take years for a formal diagnosis. Diagnosis of Autoimmune Disorders can range from mild to highly impactful on day-to-day life. There is no known cure for most Autoimmune Disorders, but symptoms can usually be managed through treatment. For unknown reasons women are more likely than men to develop an Autoimmune Disorder.

There are some small awareness and advocacy groups for Autoimmune Disorders in Australia, however there is no large peak body representing those who experience Autoimmune Disorders. While there is ongoing research, currently research is relatively poor when it comes to Autoimmune Disorders and there is more research that needs to be done.

The motion passed the Assembly on the 29th of November 2022.

ACTPS Menstruation & Menopause Policy Motion

This motion called upon the ACT Government to develop, in consultation, a Menstruation and Menopause policy for the ACT Public Service that enables employees to meet their work commitments and manage the impacts of menstruation and menopause in the workplace.

For centuries women were kept out of the workforce because of their reproductive roles in society, and while we’ve seen this change in what are still relatively recent times, there remains much to do to achieve true equality in employment including how we support women’s reproductive health in the workforce.

Acknowledging and responding to the impacts of menstruation and menopause is one more step we can take to support the full participation of women and people who menstruate across our workforce.

This motion passed the Assembly on the 13th of October 2022.

Textile Circular Economy Motion

This motioned called on the ACT Government to consider ways we can re-use textiles such as clothes in order to combat the huge consumption and disposal of textiles in Australia.

It also called upon the ACT Government to consult with the local textile sector to find ways to prevent textiles from making it to landfill.

You can read my full speech here: 

Internet Access at Libraries

This motion called upon the ACT Government to continue improving digital access and inclusion as a priority in our libraries. Including the consideration of wireless internet device loans and other initiatives to increase access to necessary digital equipment.

Libraries are essential and incredibly important facilities, and with the advent of the Internet, they have expanded their scope and become even more accessible with the ACT's eResources portal. 

It is important that people can also access these new digital-age resources as most libraries can only be open for so many hours of the day for access to their physical premises. If you do not have the internet at home, you subsequently do not have access to any of the library’s resources.

This motion passed the Assembly on the 5th of April 2022.

Mixed Use Community Facilities

This motion called upon the ACT Government to continue to support emerging and existing communities' facility's needs. Including in the ever-expanding Gungahlin District which has seen rapid population growth. 

It also called on the ACT Government to engage with the community services sector to develop community facility demonstration projects.

Community Facilities are critical assets in our suburbs, and they need our continued support.

"These places and spaces are where we, as a community, come together; where we support each other; where we work together to bring about change; and where we enliven so much of our community. So when we talk about these places and spaces, what we are really talking about is how we build and support our community."

This motion passed the Assembly on the 9th of February 2022.

Tenth Assembly: 2021

National Disability Insurance Scheme Support Motion

This motioned called on the Governments of Australia to support the core principle of person-centred care, which gives choice and control for people with Disability.

It also called on the Federal Morrison Government to honour the commitment made by Disability Ministers across the country, to co-design any changes to the NDIS by involving people with disability and their supporters.

You can read my full speech here: 

Indian & South Asian Communities COVID-19 Support

Based on community feedback, this motion addressed the ACT Government to take provide information to the Indian and South Asian communities regarding where they can contact for advice and support on ACT Government Services, including counselling services.

It was based around the pain and trauma being left by these communities due to the Federal Government's travel bans for Australian Citizens returning home from India and South Asia during the height of the 2021 COVID Wave.

This motion passed the Assembly.

You can read my full speech here: 

Work Health, Safety & Sexual Harassment Motion

This motion called upon the ACT Government to note a number of facts, including that sexual harassment is a societal issue, and that it's an issue that is widespread. It spoke to the Respect@Work findings and advocated for changes to the Work Health & Safety act to include psychosocial hazards, while taking into consideration the privacy and autonomy of workers.

The motion also advocated for the development of code of practice guidelines to address gender-based violence and psychosocial hazards. It also required all government partners and contracts to report the number of non-disclosure agreements entered into regarding bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based violence.

This motion passed the Assembly on the 30th of March, 2021

You can read my full speech here: